Okay so that's two words, but there's a hyphen. I am tired of life, everything feels so extremely mundane. I wake up tired, I go to sleep tired, I spend the whole day tired. My legs feel like lead half the time and jelly the rest. Sometimes I contemplate the pros and cons of just amputating my legs. Rationality always wins out, don't worry. The important thing is that even though I'm so tired, I really do love my life. It's true that the solution to all of my problems right now is probably dropping out and spending my energy becoming a trophy-wife, but I've always been a believer in the journey so I guess I can graduate from high school before marrying for wealth. All of my complaining likely poses this question:
why exactly do you love life right now?
I have great friends.
Crazy nights where you go to the mall dressed in unitards and feather boas.
I love my family.
My family loves me (usually).
I believe in Christmas miracles.
I'm on the culinary team at my high school.
In retrospect, it seems like a no-brainer that I'd get into foods, but believe me, it was a little surprising for me. When I was little, I would watch Food Network everyday and I would plan out recipes I would make on Iron Chef. Now I actually get to do just that and it just makes me happy. I love pro-start, so much that it may prompt me to post more often than every six months. I'll leave with just one thought: Brighton, watch out. Because we're going to Kansas City where everything is up-to-date.
That is, unless Kansas City decides to burn down.
Seeing as I spend the better part of my life trying to avoid cliches I refuse to write some long post about how I remember having stake conference in the Old Provo Tabernacle, how I felt the spirit so strongly there. How I felt like my childhood memories were being burnt up. In perfect honesty-- I didn't care for those reasons.
"frankly my dear, I don't give a damn"
I care because it was a B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L. building. I care because it was so old. I care because we can rebuild an exact replica that will never be as beautiful. I care because there are people in the world who say
"it's good that it burnt down because it was so old"
I care, because that statement characterizes the thing I don't like about Americans. I HATE the idea that things should be torn down when they're old because we could put something newer in their place. It's old so we SHOULDN'T put something else in it's place.

Speaking of London. It's burning. Again. I see nothing wrong with speaking up for your beliefs. I have absolutely nothing against protests. But whatever happened to Ghandi? Martin Luther King Jr.? What have they come to represent these days? Nothing. It appears as though a peaceful protest has turned into a true oxymoron.

Since the whole world is on fire I'll end with a listing of "fire" songs to get you in the arsonry mood.
Disco Inferno--The Trammps
Your Ex-Lover is Dead--Stars
Firework--Katy Perry
Fire Burning--Sean Kingston
Ring of Fire-- Johnny Cash, Adam Lambert, or Joaquin Phoenix versions
Slow Dancing in a Burning Room--John Mayer
The Unforgettable Fire--U2
Burnin' Up--Jonas Brothers
Black Burning Heart--Keane
St. Elmo's Fire (Man In Motion)--John Parr
Playing With Fire--Brandon Flowers
Fire with Fire--Scissor Sisters
California's Burning--Augustana
Fire & Rain--Mat Kearney
Crossfire--Brandon Flowers
Burning Down the House--Talking Heads
Fire and Rain--James Taylor
Happy Holidays!