Thursday, June 21, 2012

gainfully employed

got a job. i'm pumped. ready to start work on... friday as a cook at Malawi's Pizza. I'm very excited. This feels like my first real job (seven peaks is fake). I even got my first ever drug test! What a capital day!

Monday, June 18, 2012

welcome move out

This hasn't actually been said to me. Let's make that clear. But it sort of feels that way. I didn't really have to time to absorb the whole graduated from high school thing. I left the next morning for Greece. And while I'm never one to complain about a trip to Europe, I'm willing to say that I feel as though I only got half the right of passage. I still find myself planning what I'm going to do at school in the fall... oops. Too bad my school now involves a dorm, no car, and professors who may or may not know my name, including my father (hopefully he'll fall into the first category) I don't mean to sound sappy, whiny or even remorseful, trust me, I'm not. I'm ready to move on to the next great adventure, it just seems like it's all happening very suddenly. I will say that as much as I loved Athens, Nafplion, Olympia, Delphi, Kalambaka, Thessaloniki, Berlin, Paris, and London, it's always good to be home, and have a home to come home to. I've decided to stop posting things with resolutions about posting more or anything like that, but maybe I'll try, maybe it can be a part of this new great adventure I'm embarking on!