But I did love Canterbury in its own right.
Little cathedral towns are divine. They have skinny, windy, cobblestoned streets. They have darling tearooms. They have cathedrals.
I love all of these things.
Hannah and I went to the cutest tearoom with our London roommates Josey and Alyssa where I had delicious fudgy cake. Plus, I felt fairly British which is ALWAYS enjoyable.
Then we boarded the coach. Then we boarded the ferry. Then we traveled to France. I'm trying to say this as nonchalantly and Parisienne as possible.
Why? Because that's how the French do.
The only downside of the day was how much sleeping I did, I really hate trying to sleep on moving things. I hate it.
But highlights of the day included me looking like a teenage mutant ninja turtle as I tried to stay warm. I wish I had the picture is all I'll say.
Spending all but 1 pence of my British currency
Ordering Penne in French (yes, Penne is Italian)
Shane's puppy crush on Josey
Free WiFi at our French hotel
Hannah and I trying forever to take a good picture together
And the dragon/devil/pitchfork dragonfruit flavored gummies.
It was all a pretty tremendous day of travel when you get right down into the knitty gritty of it
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